Thursday, 30 October 2014

Exercise to Lose Weight While Keeping Motivated

The hardest part about being motivated to exercise to lose weight is starting. At first, it will seems like you have better things to do, or maybe you're too tired to work out. Well, exercise actually gives you energy. The endorphins released into your body will make you feel good. And the weight you lose from working out will make you feel even better.
Motivation is not something that just comes to you one afternoon. You have to work for motivation and create it for yourself. Most individuals want to exercise to lose weight, others want to be healthier so they live longer lives for their kids, and some exercise to be competitive in athletics.
If you are a beginner, just making the decision to begin a workout regiment can be motivating. You are starting something new and want to be good at it. For others, they need a push. Ask friends and family to help motivate you. Ask someone to exercise with you, or simply help you set a schedule and encourage you along the way.
Set small goals for yourself. This will need to be reachable so you feel motivated to tackle the challenge, and then accomplished when you reach your goals. Each time you reach a goal, make a new one. Find ways to reward yourself for reaching these goals. Allow yourself to buy that dress you saw at the mall, or get a manicure as a result of all your hard work.
However, discipline is just as important to keep you motivated. If you miss a workout here or there, it's all right. Things come up and you can't be expected to stick to your schedule every week. However, if you miss more than one workout a week, you must be disciplined by eating extra healthy that day at least. To be completely motivated to exercise to lose weight, you must integrate exercise into your life like it's just another daily task like showering.
Prepare yourself so you can't make excuses not to workout. Always keep an extra pair of clothes and running shoes in your car. Pack your gym bag in the evenings so you don't have an excuse if you're running late in the morning. Also, keep healthy snacks at work or bring them each morning. A popular reason that people don't hit the gym after work is because they are hungry and want to rush home for dinner. If you bring healthy snacks like trail mix, celery, carrots or crackers you can curb your appetite long enough to get in a good workout.

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