Thursday, 30 October 2014

Lowering Blood Pressure Through Exercise

High blood pressure can be caused by poor diet, a sedentary lifestyle, stress or a genetic link; all of these factors are resulting in the average person's blood pressure getting higher and higher.
One of the main causes of high blood pressure is the sedentary lifestyle that most people are now leading, in which they are getting less physical exercise and activity then ever before.
However exercising every day, in which you use your body vigorously, has proven to be the best way to help lower blood pressure. This is because regular exercise helps to make your heart stronger and if you have a stronger heart is will be able to pump more blood with less effort. This means that there will less pressure and force placed upon the arteries as the heart will have to work less in order to pump blood, which will result in lowering blood pressure.
It is important that if you do have high blood pressure and decide to start exercising that you consult your doctor first in order to ask for their advice and recommendations, to ensure that it is safe for you to start exercising, as you don't want to cause your body any damage.
You should pick some form of exercise or physical activity that you enjoy and do it on a regular basis. This can include waking, running, jogging or swimming, anything that gets you moving. You should start off slowly, exercising for a minimum of 20 minutes a day, 3-5 days a week.
As well as strengthening the heart, exercsi8e is also a great stress reliever. Which means that you will be getting rid of the two main causes of high blood pressure, a sedentary lifestyle and stress, in one simple way, exercising will also help you to lose weight which can also help to lower blood pressure.
Just remember that anything you do that strengthens your heart will be a great way to help lower blood pressure and exercising is the perfect way to start lowering you blood pressure today!

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