Thursday, 30 October 2014

What Exercise is Best for You?

Many people like to engage in exercise in classes, that they find fun, educational and motivational. Aerobics classes combine exercises, stretching muscles, burning fat and building muscles. Dancelike exercises are performed to music. You can find aerobic classes at health clubs and fitness centers. There are different levels of classes, starting at a slow pace. Advanced, high impact, classes are for physically fit people who want a hard workout.
Taking a daily walk is a practical exercise for many. It can be done anywhere and no special equipment is needed.
Weight Lifting
Anaerobic exercise is sudden strenuous activity, such as weight lifting. Anaerobic exercise builds up muscles. It stops ofter, no requiring you to bring as much oxygen into your body. If you are starting a weigh lifting program, start with light weights. This is important for beginners, as joints and tendons need to to adapt the the increase in resistance.
People who are out of shape can be prone to overuse injuries, such and bursitis or tendonitis. You can start by using a set of lights weights and doing one set of weigh lifting three times a week. After two months, add a second set of 10 reps, or include a new exercise. While this may seem like slow going, it is far better then injuring yourself and being unable to proceed.
It is a good idea to have a program designed for you by a personal trainer. A trainer can educate you about the muscle group sand the importance of good posture Fitness center and gyms have equipment to work the various muscle groups effectively. If you are starting out, a fitness instructor can be very helpful in designing an individual program for you. Following are major muscle groups and the best types of exercise for each group

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